Saturday, December 15, 2012


Lately, my heart has been heavy for our world. Not a day goes by that through the headlines we don't see the brokenness of our world. Especially this week, with the tragedy in Connecticut, I am stunned by the evil humanity is capable of.

When I heard the news at work on Friday, I couldn't help but cry the drive home away, knowing full well I probably looked ridiculous to passing cars. I just couldn't help it, and couldn't hold the sadness in. All those families who lost a family member so close to the holidays. But to be honest, it was refreshing to FEEL. To truly feel and know I haven't become numb to what is happening beyond my front door.

From all the emotions that come from an event like this, I'm choosing HOPE. It's not easy. But what other choice so we have? The world needs all the good it can get, and I for one know what I have to offer. In reality, what the news doesn't spend hours and hours dissecting, is the GOOD that is going on in the world. hope for humanity. The thousands of gifts and meals that are being donated this holiday season to those in need. The mission work and service so many are dedicating their life to. Even the every day ins and ours of our careers, where were touching lives whether we realize it or not.

Ok, that's the end of my rant. Please join me in believing in hope. The world is a broken place. So I say even more reason to put the good you can into it and give back each day. Who's with me? :)

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