After a busy busy fun filled weekend of bridal shower and bachelorette activities for my best friend I'm taking this Monday morning to be still.
It's a struggle of mine to be content with stillness. I love to be on the go and "making the most out of life". But I'm learning the role that stillness, silence, and reflection has on that very motto. Time to be thankful. Time to sit and soak in your surroundings with all your senses, not letting one detail of the moment pass you by. The scent of the fall candle. The flicker of the flame. The tick of the clock. The warmth of the coffee. The contrast of the black and white on the page.
I opened my devotions and today's title was "Simply Be Still". Just what I needed to hear as I was coming down off the high of a girls weekend and slowly pitying myself for my seemingly boring and uneventful Monday. But instead this is what I read. "while we seek God's will we must not forget His fundamental call to stillness before Him. When we are still and quiet in His presence we put ourselves in the most teachable position possible." (I Lift Up My Soul By: Charles F. Stanley)
Mrs. It's ok to do nothing