This time around, I was not working
in Labor & Delivery anymore so I wasn’t on my feet as much for long 12 hour
shifts AND I wasn’t able to get multiple checks and membranes stripped in the
weeks leading up to his delivery. For these reasons, I was sure I was going to
delivery past my due date. I was feeling a little TOO good as I hit my 39th
week and made a special appointment with my midwife friend to get things “stirred
up” (I claimed I’d never be that patient who wanted to speed things up before
40 weeks but sure enough both times by 39 weeks I was eager to get things
started!) I got my membranes stripped on a Thursday morning, and was told in
24-48 hours something should happen.
Well, Thursday came and went,
Friday came and went with some cramping here and there, but both nights I had
the BEST nights of sleep that I had in a long time (ironic how it annoyed me
then, but now looking back I see how my body was preparing itself) Then, Saturday
rolled around and a huge wave of nesting hit. I pulled out all of Avery’s baby
book stuff that I had barely touched in the last year and a half and got to
work. As I was working away I was timing contractions that started, never much
closer than 10 minutes, so I resumed my day as normal. We went to Weston’s parents’
house for dinner and I was so distracted that I didn’t think much of the
contractions that continued to come about every 10 minutes. We got home, and
got ready for bed, Weston fell asleep right away like always and finally around
11pm laid down for the night. As I was dozing off realized I was being consistently
woken up by contractions every 7 minutes. So, I got up and gave up on sleep for
the time being, hoping I could get them closer and make this turn into
something if I was going to be kept awake! I got my earbuds out and sat on the
exercise ball at the side of our bed, paced around the room, leaned and swayed over
the side of the bed, all the while Weston snoring away oblivious to what was
happening. (it was better that way!) Around midnight, I realized they were
coming every 5 minutes and I had to move and breathe through them. This was
just so different than the beginning of Avery’s labor, so I didn’t know what to
think? (With Avery I was already at work and comfortable at 5cm, the painful
contractions didn’t start until after they broke my water) I decided to fill up
the tub and spend some time in there. As I was soaking and contractions continued
to come consistently I texted my mom “Are you up?”
Immediately I got “Yes!”
(The plan was for my parents to come to our house so Avery could sleep the
whole night at our house if things happened in the middle of the night)
“I think I may call the midwife, my contractions have been 5
minutes apart for the last 2 hours”
“We’ll leave now, you get to the hospital!”
“Calm down. I didn’t even wake up Weston yet!”
I love my mom.
At 1am I woke Weston up, trying to
stay calm and not cause a complete panic. I also talked to the midwife. She
asked how I was feeling, and let it up to me when I wanted to come in. I
definitely felt like something was happening but wanted to stay home as long as
possible. On the other hand, I was GBS+ this time (I was negative with Avery)
so the nurse in me became very fixated on getting the two doses of antibiotics
I needed. My parents got to our house soon after and we left for the hospital.
The drive to the hospital was that stereotypical one from movies I always
worried we’d have to make living 30 minutes from the hospital. Weston speeding,
me breathing hard through each contraction, dreading the next one and feeling
e.v.e.r.y. single bump and turn. Not fun. Something about sitting upright and
not being able to move made them 10x worse, and by that point I was thankful we
were on our way because flashbacks of how I felt during transition with Avery
started to surface. This was happening.
We got to the hospital around 2am
and I tried to calmly walk into triage, knowing I was about to see all my
former coworkers. A few contractions interrupted registration, and by the way I
was leaning, swaying, breathing, and not talking they must have known I needed
to be seen and got me straight to a room. The midwife came to check me after
what felt like an hour but was probably only 10 minutes. I never even sat down
on the bed until she came in, since by this point I had to be standing and
moving at all times. The contractions were now coming every 2-3 minutes. She
told me I was 5-6cm and intact. All I could think was I wanted the antibiotics
After my check the midwife asked “So are you thinking
Although I had an unmedicated birth
with Avery, I was very open minded to an epidural leading up to Brayden’s
birth. (Partially because I was just so curious what they felt like after
working in labor & delivery four years) With Avery I remember having a
strong, determined desire to have a natural labor (also out of curiosity of
what it felt like) and this time I just wasn’t in that same place mentally for
whatever reason. I looked at Weston with question in my eyes and after an eager
nod from him I said, “You know what, yes! I would love an epidural!”
They started my bolus and
antibiotics in triage, I walked back to the room stopping to breathe through
contractions on the way and once we got there I got bossy with Weston, telling him
to “Get over here” and to apply counter pressure during contractions. (He doesn’t
quite know how to contribute until pushing so this time I must have felt the
need to change that HA) I remember feeling like I may be transitioning while we
were waiting for the anesthesiologist, but by that time my mind was so set on
the epidural I didn’t want to admit what my body was doing. The anesthesiologist
entered the room and after a grueling few contractions of having to sit still
on the side of the bed (didn’t even feel the epidural placement because of if),
I started to feel some glorious relief. And let me tell you, Epidurals are
everything everyone raves about and MORE! I absolutely loved that it was the
middle of the night, just Weston and I, and we could sit in a peaceful dark
room and bask in the anticipation of the arrival of our son! Something we didn’t
get to experience in the intensity and speed of my labor with Avery. My
contractions were coming literally back to back but by this time all I felt was
tightening across my belly and a little pressure. We tried to take naps but I
was too excited to sleep! Even being able to rest was so wonderful. My water
broke on its own at 6am, they got my second dose of antibiotics in (YAY for crazy
nurse brain peace of mind!) and although I was feeling some pressure, I was
still so comfortable that I was able to wait until the midwife was available to
check me. She was busy due to a crazy morning on the unit but I got to spend
the wait catching up with coworkers who were stopping in one by one to say “Hi”.
After she finished a few deliveries and took care of an emergency in another
room the same midwife who stripped my membranes on Thursday entered the room.
It was now Sunday morning, she checked me, and said “Oh he’s right here, ready
to have a baby?” !!!!! WAIT. This is happening. Again, that sense of
anticipation and excitement that I barely had time to acknowledge last time washed over me. Everyone
got ready, Weston held a leg, and I was prepping myself for another strenuous
hour or two of hard work ahead after pushing for 1.5 hours with no medication
with Avery. I requested a mirror and on the first push I saw almost his entire
head! WHAT. Then we waited for another contraction while chatting and laughing,
I still wasn’t feeling anything more than pressure and when the next
one came and I pushed and he was born!! DOUBLE WHAT! I just had a baby in two
pushes and barely felt it (at least compared to what I remembered with Avery). Crazy. I was in awe. I pulled him right up to my
chest and snuggled him immediately just like I did Avery. He had the same big
mouth and lips and squinty eyes that I remember so well from the first time I
laid eyes on her. (also, maybe TMI but since I was so comfortable and able to
ease him out so slowly I didn’t tear at all! If you've ever had a baby you know that's reason to celebrate) He was the exact same weight and
measurements as Avery born a few days before his due date and perfect as could
just love birth and babies as a whole and am so thankful for the miracles that
they are.
After reflecting a lot after Brayden’s birth, I honestly found myself not as eager to write his birth story. Will people even think it’s interesting if it wasn’t unmedicated? Should I have been more determined to go unmedicated again? No. I realized I was being ridiculous. His birth story was beautiful in every way, and in hindsight, almost too good to be true! My physical recovery was 10x easier than it was with Avery. I guess all this is to say, I just hope that all women can be proud of their birth stories no. matter. what. Whether it went the way you planned or the complete opposite. Whether it was traumatic or the definition of Zen. Whether you delivered at a birth center or a high-risk hospital. Whether you had a vaginal delivery or c-section. Be proud. Your body is strong, beautiful and capable of amazing things.
After reflecting a lot after Brayden’s birth, I honestly found myself not as eager to write his birth story. Will people even think it’s interesting if it wasn’t unmedicated? Should I have been more determined to go unmedicated again? No. I realized I was being ridiculous. His birth story was beautiful in every way, and in hindsight, almost too good to be true! My physical recovery was 10x easier than it was with Avery. I guess all this is to say, I just hope that all women can be proud of their birth stories no. matter. what. Whether it went the way you planned or the complete opposite. Whether it was traumatic or the definition of Zen. Whether you delivered at a birth center or a high-risk hospital. Whether you had a vaginal delivery or c-section. Be proud. Your body is strong, beautiful and capable of amazing things.