The Proposal
August 1st, 2011
How Weston popped the question...
I know it sounds crazy, but after our first date, I knew I wanted to marry Weston. From the very beginning it was that 'too good to be true', 'feels like we've known each other forever', kind of feeling. However, thanks to my 4 year nursing degree I am working towards, marriage is a topic we have only been able to talk and dream about. I always knew I didn't want to get married until after I graduated, so although Weston was always very vauge about timing in our conversations, I assumed, oh naturally he will propose the summer after my Junior year, so we can get married the summer after I graduate! Well, May turned into June, and June to July, and I still wasn't an engaged girl. I tried my best to be paitent, but I'm not going to lie, I was getting antsy. I was convinced he wouldn't be able to surprise me because of the anticipation I was feeling at this point in the summer. So finally August rolls around, August 1st to be exact. It was a normal day, Weston was working and so was I. About a week before, my cousin Kelly, who is also a professional photographer, texted me about being her guinea pigs for a few poses she wanted to master for a high maintenance bride she was shooting in the fall. I'm never going to turn down the chance to get some professional quality pictures of my love an me so of course I said "YES!" We planned the shoot to be at my grandparent's farm for that Monday. I felt completely in control (which Weston was very smart to allow) because I was the one in contact with Kelly, setting the time, telling Weston what to wear, and when to pick me up. The plan was, we would only see each other during the photoshoot, because August 1st also happened to be the bachelorette finale, and I wasn't going to miss that! (unless it was for my own proposal of course) :) So we got to the farm, Kelly and her husband were already there, camera's in hand scoping out a place for the shoot. We went behind the barn to a wildflower patch in front of a cornfield with old tractors scattered in the field. Little did I know, that was the spot Weston was going to propose to me. We got started and the first pose was me facing the camera with my arm looped in Weston's, but he was facing the cornfield. Kelly said "okay, now lets get one of you whispering in her ear". So Weston did as he was told and started whispering in my ear. I was smiling because of the cute things he was saying to me, but he was talking mighty fast and saying LOTS of cute things...proposal speech type things! Just as that clicked in my mind I clearly remember the clicking of the camera, about ten times faster than it had been a second ago. Ahhhh! I was freaking out inside. It was all a blur, but so perfect. He pulled away and said "I have a question to ask you". Before I knew it he whipped a gorgeous ring out of his pocket (that I didn't even pay attention to until about 10 minutes later) and was down on one knee asking me to marry him. I was shaking and on the verge of crying. so shocked. so surpirsed. so happy. I couldn't even say yes! After a long pause of me probably looking like I was about to pass out Weston questioned "Well, are you going to take it?" Finally I managed a "Yes!" and let him put it on my finger. The next few minutes were filled with lots of hugs, kisses, and tears, but also probably the most pure feeling of joy I have ever experienced in my life. It was all just beautiful. And the most important part was, he pulled it off. He surprised me and still got pictures play by play of the whole thing. Yep, he's definitely a keeper.
i can't wait for that feeling!